Free webshop for clubs: Sell club clothing to members

We can finally unveil our newest addition to the SportMember universe: a real webshop!
Clubs and associations on SportMember can now sell goods to their members directly from the membership system. Whether it's game jerseys or shorts, tickets to an event or other merchandise - SportMember is the club's digital marketplace.
As a club administrator, the ball is in your court. This means that as soon as the applicable SportMember terms and conditions for the webshop have been accepted and you have decided when and from where orders are handled, you are free to define which items and sizes you make available to your members. This also includes how many materials you may have in stock in the specific size. As members purchase products, the stock status is automatically updated.

It's one thing to define the products in the webshop. Another is to promote the news to the association's members. This is where SportMember helps, as the system acts as a membership system/database of all the teams, so you have the option to choose which members should receive a newsletter sent via email with a payment link included. This link can be accessed from the PC and the SportMember app, where you can complete your purchase.

No monthly subscription for the association
As with all other forms of payment through SportMember - such as the member's membership fee, event participation or payment activity - the feature is 100% free to activate for any club/association on SportMember. And there is no monthly subscription fee for using the webshop. Instead, the cost is added to each transaction, where an administration fee is applied, for which the club is liable. Each member cab choose how they want to pay through the webshop.
The function can be accessed by going to the club menu in SportMember and selecting the tab on the far right in the top menu.